
STX Next in the Media

STX Next partners with Squirro to strengthen AI capabilities

STX Next, a prominent IT services and consulting company, has announced a new partnership with Squirro, the generative AI-powered enterprise search and insights cloud provider.

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89% of CTOs plan to embrace outsourcing in the future

Research from STX Next has found that almost nine in 10 CTOs (89%) plan to outsource software development or IT expertise in the future. This is despite the fact that 59% are not currently outsourcing, indicating that it is set for a resurgence.The findings were taken from STX Next’s2021 Global CTO Survey, which polled over 500 CTOs.

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STX Next: CTO Report Says Half of Businesses Now Using ML

Machine learning’s popularity looks set to continue with 66% of CTOs predicting it will become much more prominent in the next two to four years

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How fintech companies and other firms succeed using AI

Fintech firms succeed in using AI by deploying algorithms to deliver products and services in ways that only machines can achieve.

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A lifetime of software and seeing the bigger picture

Ronald Binkofski discusses his software career with Microsoft, his plans for STX Next and the importance of taking a calm and balanced approach to work.

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AI training courses are popular, but devs aren't sure they need them

Research fromSTX Nextfound 29% of developers have completed courses in AI and Machine Learning (ML), making it the third most popular training topic behind web development and software development.

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Announcing the shortlist for the Digital Technology Leaders Awards 2023

Computing is delighted to announce our 2023 Digital Technology Leaders Awards shortlist.

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Channel roundup: Who’s gone where?

STX Next:The Polish IT services player has decided Matthew Ziff is the right candidate to become its UK managing director.

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ChatGPT vs alternatives for programmers

ChatGPT and its alternatives are set to be especially useful for programmers writing code. But just how reliable is the technology for developers?

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Soft skills make all the difference: a third of programmers say problem-solving skills are their most important asset

Research from STX Next has found that 32% of programmers say an ability to think logically, critically and analytically is the key to becoming a great Python developer.

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Były dyrektor Microsoftu na czele polskiego software house’u

Ronald Binkofski zastąpił Macieja Dziergwę na stanowisku prezesa STX Next.

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CTO salary – how much can you earn where?

If you want job satisfaction, be a CTO. That was one conclusion drawn fromresearchconducted by Python development specialist STX Next in early 2022.

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Debugging the monolith: How to change the thinking of an entire tech company

In recent history the tech industry has been impervious to market forces that have crippled adjacent sectors, predominantly because of the public’s insatiable demand for digitization.

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Eksporterzy skutecznie mierzą się z wyzwaniami

Przedsiębiorcy znad Wisły odważnie wchodzą na globalny rynek i oferują niesztampowe produkty oraz usługi. Polskie firmy aktywnie działają na arenie międzynarodowej. Podejmują trud ekspansji zagranicznej w niełatwym otoczeniu gospodarczym. Poznaj zwycięzców jedenastej edycji konkursu Polska Firma – Międzynarodowy Czempion.

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Top 10 most reviewed medical software development companies

Leading healthcare facilities try to keep up with technological change and advances in medical software development. Innovative products constantly hit the market, state-of-the-art devices help doctors perform the most complex operations, and mobile apps allow patients to receive high-quality care even remotely.

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Was Developer an ihrem Job lieben – und hassen

Kein Job ist perfekt, auch nicht der des Developers. Wir haben Softwareentwickler gefragt, was sie an ihrem Job schätzen – und was eher weniger.

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Three is the Magic Number: Planning and Executing a Successful DevOps Project

Diligent preparation, clearly defined workflows and watchful monitoring are key to delivering a high-performing DevOps project. DevOps is one of the hottest buzzwords in programming, but everyone seems to have their own ideas when it comes to structuring and deploying a DevOps team.

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Reducing burnout & boosting retention in technical teams through peer leadership

A clearly defined hierarchical structure has been a long-standing and unchallenged part of business models for as long as anyone can remember, but perhaps it’s time to freshen up the make-up of technical teams.

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Machine Learning is the Future, But Is Not Without Its Challenges, Says STX Next

The popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has skyrocketed in recent years. In fact,STX Next’s 2021 CTO report found that around two-thirds of businesses have now implemented ML in some form.

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Executive Q&A: Maciej Dziergwa, CEO and founder, STX Next

Maciej Dziergwa spoke to AI Magazine about his goal to build the greatest Python software house in the world and STX Next’s recent acquisition of Ermlab

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Biggest Daily Challenges Business Owners Are Facing

Every day is different for entrepreneurs, but there are some constants that make up a typical day. In this interview, we’d like to ask entrepreneurs some questions to get a better understanding of what a day in the life of a business leader looks like.

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Automated testing still lags

Automated testing initiatives still lag behind in many organizations as increasingly complex testing environments are met with a lack of skilled personnel to set up tests.

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When It's Critical To Hire A CTO For Your Startup

According to STXNext's Global CTO Survey 2020 Report, 51% of survey respondents joined startups as CTOs. Even though a CTO wears many hats (being a technical and operational lead), the position's responsibilities can vary depending on the type, needs and structure of a startup.

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Meet Maciej Dziergwa, CEO at Python Development Company: STX Next

STX Next is the largest software house in Europe specialising in designing and creating digital solutions in the Python programming language. The company has been operating since 2005 and is made up of a team of over 500 people across eight offices in Poland and a new delivery centre that launched in June 2022 in Merida, Mexico.

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Establishing a strong DevOps pipeline

Having a strong DevOps pipeline is increasingly important for business creating software inhouse. What can CTOs do to ensure a steady flow?

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Uczą się go nawet dzieci w podstawówkach. Polak stworzył światowego lidera programowania w Pythonie

W niewiele ponad dekadę Python jako język programowania zdominował rynek. Dziś uczą się go nawet dzieci w szkołach podstawowych. A największą firmą na świecie oferującą usługi programowania w tym języku jest STX Next z Poznania

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Making the Move From Developer to Team Lead

After working in their role for some time, software developers may wonder whatcareer opportunitiesawait them beyond coding. Certainly, taking the next step is not obligatory. Some people feel comfortable remaining developers for their entire professional careers.

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STX Next opens delivery centre in Mexico to drive global expansion plans

STX Next,Europe’s largest Python software development company, has opened a new delivery centre in Latin America. The facility is located in Merida, Mexico and is STX Next’s ninth global location and first outside Europe.

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Addressing the tech skills gaps starts at school: How improving accessibility to coding will make a big difference

Supporting data skills and coding throughout education should be a key part of the school curriculum for young people in order to address the skills gap in the long term.

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STX Next acquires Ermlab to enhance AI and machine learning capabilities

STX Nexthas acquired Ermlab, a specialist in AI and machine learning software development. The deal will enhance STX Next’s existing AI and ML capabilities, expand the company’s expertise in natural language processing (NLP) and further strengthen its status as a software development powerhouse.

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True Gender Diversity In Tech? Be Flexible Or Fail

While women make up 39% of global employment, they account for 54% of overall job losses. This could severely hamper efforts to achieve gender diversity, particularly in the technology industry where women remain heavily under-represented. This is according to Marta Blazejewska, Director of Sales at STX Next.

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From Software Developer to Team Leader

Robert Musił (JavaScript Team Lead), Paulina Gatkowska (Test Automation Lead) and Rafał Gatkowski (Python Team Lead) answer the common questions software developers ask about becoming a team lead.

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Game Developers Shouldn’t Overlook Python’s Potential

Python is an object-oriented, general-purpose and high-level programming language developed in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. Since its development, Python has become one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

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We Need To Address The Lack of Cyber Skills In The Tech World, Here’s Why

As such, there is now a vastly increased demand for professionals with technical capabilities in areas such as cybersecurity and coding. At present, this demand isn’t being met: in STX Next’s annual survey of 500 CTOs across Europe, 41% of tech leaders reported hiring as their biggest challenge.

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Machine learning implemented by 68 percent of organizations

New research shows that 68 percent of chief technical officers (CTOs) have implemented machine learning at their company. What's more the study, from software development company STX Next, reveals that 55 percent of businesses now employ at least one team member dedicated to AI/ML solutions, although only 15 percent have their own separate AI division.

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Grow Your Own: Should Innovation Economy Companies Do More On Training?

It seems to be the same just about everywhere. According to research published last week by software development company STX Next, hiring tech talent is far from easy. Drawing on responses from 500 Chief Technology Officers around the world, the report found that 41% were having trouble recruiting the right people.

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The Cybersecurity Measures CTOs Are Actually Implementing

Companies look to multifactor authentication and identity and access management to block attacks, but hedge their bets with disaster recovery. CTOs are taking a multipronged approach to protecting their company. A little over 87% of respondents to STX Next's 2021 Global CTO Survey.

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The majority of companies have now deployed machine learning in some form

The majority of companies have now deployed machine learning (ML), making it the most popular subset of artificial intelligence (AI), a new report suggests. European software company STX Next recently polled 500 CTOs from across the globe and found that two-thirds (68 percent) have already implemented ML in some form.

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Exploring the use of the Python programming language for data engineering

Python is one of the most popular programming languages worldwide. It often ranks high in surveys - for instance, it claimed the first spot in the Popularity of Programming Language index and came second in the TIOBE index.

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Most challenging security threats for CTOs

STX Next’s survey of 500 CTOs globally shows that most CTOs still see human error as the main security threat to their business, followed by ransomware and phishing. Yet, only 26 percent say they have a dedicated cybersecurity team in place.

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Phishing, ransomware and human error are seen as biggest security threats

Research from STX next reveals that 59% of CTOs still see human error as the main security threat to their business, alongside other concerns such as ransomware (49%) and phishing (36%).

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4 IT leadership tips for turbulent times

Szymon Piasecki, Head of DevOps at STX Next, believes that while technical expertise in IT roles has always been a given, what will ensure success in the changed world is the ability to motivate staff and look after their emotional wellbeing.

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Why cyber security and regulatory compliance are one and the same

Compliance is often prioritized over cybersecurity as it’s seen as more urgent. However, this approach can lead to problems in the long run, and businesses should consider cybersecurity and compliance as being two sides of the same coin.

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Making Single-Molecule Disease Analysis Easier

STX Next recently completed a project to design, develop and deliver the Harbor product for life sciences company LUMICKS.

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Polyglot programming and the benefits of mastering several languages

Why do some programmers choose to learn multiple languages? The ability has been associated with plenty of benefits, from more varied skills to better career prospects and higher salaries.

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How SMEs in e-commerce can drive value from machine learning

Although many smaller businesses might see machine learning as financially prohibitive, implementing the technology to boost sales need not be as complex as it might seem.

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Case study: How cat food subscriptions service grew from scratch in three months

STX Next worked with pet food subscription provider to build a customer-facing application and a suite of products for the Republic of Cats in just three months.

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Why does your company need processes?

Processes often have a bad reputation, but they’re essential in any organization. Instead of stifling initiative, they enable your team to be more creative and add more value in its daily work.

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Tackling technical debt in post-covid software development

Pressure on software developers to reduce time to market on products and services has intensified during the pandemic, inevitably leading to an accumulation of technical debt. Now is the time to tackle it.

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Software firms have a duty to pass on technical skills

IT education shouldn’t be limited to academic institutions. Tech companies can use training schemes to try to pass on knowledge, and gain valuable new talent in the process.

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Deconstructing Cybercrime: Top 10 Attack Methods Attackers Use

STX Next’s CTO Survey found that more than half of all global organizations do not have a bring-your-own-device policy, which can pose serious security risks.

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Many CTOs aren't using project management frameworks

Over a quarter of CTOs are not using project management framework, which is not necessarily a bad thing, according to STX Next’s CTO Survey.

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Cloud technology is now a common sight in many businesses

Most businesses use some form of cloud, according to STX Next's CTO Survey. Many organizations opt for public cloud solutions, and only a minority of them use the private cloud or on-site environments.

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Your occasional storage digest, featuring Brexit, Tsinghua Unigroup and more

Szymon Piasecki, Head of DevOps at STX Next, commented on how the company prepared its clients to avoid any potential post-Brexit disruption to cloud storage services.

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CTOs see scaling up tech capabilities as top priority

According to STX Next research, most CTOs consider the need to scale up their technological capabilities a top priority. However, they face a wide range of challenges and without the right amount of investment their ability to keep up with competitors will be compromised.

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Over Half of Organizations Still Operating Without a BYOD Policy

As many employees work from home, most businesses do not have sufficient visibility of the devices they use—as illuminated by STX Next's Global CTO Survey. This creates a security risk that needs to be urgently addressed to avoid breaches.

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STX Next considers entering the Polish Stock Exchange to gain funds for acquisitions

STX Next rozważa ewentualne pozyskanie kapitału na sfinalizowanie planowanych przejęć poprzez krajową giełdę, poinformował prezes Maciej Dziergwa. Podkreślił, że nie podjęto jeszcze ostatecznych decyzji w kwestii ewentualnego upublicznienia spółki.

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Innova Capital to support STX Next in its mission to digitalise the economy

STX Next, a European software house specialising in Python software development, which supports international clients in their digital transformation, has acquired a new investor—a private equity fund advised by Innova Capital.

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STX Next in the Media

Charter of Ethics

The rules of conduct that all STX Next employees, co-workers and subcontractors should follow.

Brand Guidelines

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Office Media Library

Pictures of our office spaces for use in materials about STX Next.

People Media Library

Images of our team members, for when you want to talk about specific STX Nexters.

STX Next slavery and human trafficking statement

This document outlines STX Next's commitment and measures to prevent and address slavery and human trafficking.

Boilerplate Copy

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STX Next, a global leader in IT consulting, specializes in delivering cutting-edge AI-powered software solutions. Our expertise is backed by insights from over 500 CTOs, ensuring that our services align with the latest industry challenges and leadership strategies.

Our foundation is built on a strong Python heritage, excelling in tailor-made data and digital solutions. With flexible offshore and nearshore models anchored in Poland and Mexico, we provide extensive specialized services encompassing Data Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cloud capabilities.

We provide customized services for businesses globally across multiple sectors. Our dedication to client satisfaction enables us to support a range of companies, from emerging ventures to large corporations.

19 years

of market experience


professionals on board


customers served

Media Inquiries

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bogna pasterska head of talent attraction & acquisition photo

Bogna Pasterska

head of talent attraction & acquistion

sara smuczynska pr manager photo

Sara Smuczyńska

PR manager