What Is Cloud Migration and Why Are Companies Migrating to a Cloud Environment?

Cloud migration is the process of moving systems, applications, and IT processes to a cloud computing environment. There are multiple reasons why organizations decide to find cloud providers and move to a new cloud environment.

Cost savings

Reducing IT costs is one of the most common reasons why businesses embark on a cloud migration. The cloud may be a real haven for startups and small companies that don’t have the resources to buy expensive hardware. Thanks to cloud migrations, organizations collaborating with cloud providers can easily right-size computing resources according to their unique business needs and cut wasteful spending.


Cloud computing means using exactly the amount of cloud resources you need at any given moment. You can scale up when your business grows to meet business demands quickly. Also, when things don’t go as expected, you can instantly scale down.


Cloud migration is a way to ensure all stakeholders have access to necessary information and data. This in consequence is essential to maintaining business continuity, especially in an isolated remote work landscape. Also, you don’t need to wait weeks or months for hardware components and installations. You are flexible enough to get to market much more quickly.


The cloud enables collaborative work for teams, both in-house and traveling, as well as freelancers and remote employees. Also, moving data to the cloud is a great way to reduce downtime and makes maintaining availability much easier.

Is Migrating to the Cloud Worth It? Important Benefits for Businesses Moving to the Cloud

In the digital landscape, a successful cloud migration represents a transformative leap. It brings several compelling advantages that just cannot be missed out on. Here is what a well-thought cloud migration strategy can bring to your organization.

New analytical possibilities

Moving data to the cloud environment provides more transparent data insights and analytics. You gain access to data-driven insights in seconds and on top of that, it’s extremely easy to share these insights and collaborate with the team. The cloud supports real-time analytics so you can react much faster to changing market conditions. This is especially crucial in industries such as FinTech and MedTech where real-time insights can drive competitive advantage. Many cloud providers, together with cloud-powered services, offer additional analytics tools and functionalities.

Operational improvements

Cloud providers invest massive amounts in energy efficiency. Therefore, cloud migration reduces your company’s energy use and carbon footprint. Also, from the operational perspective, the cloud enables you to resume operations instantly in case of an unforeseen disaster. Restoring data from backups and getting your systems running again takes minutes.

Innovation and competitiveness

Adopting cloud infrastructure and apps helps businesses seize new business opportunities and build the capacity to support rapid growth. Access to the latest versions of migration tools and applications means your team always benefits from technology innovation. That helps your organization collaborate and carry out tasks more efficiently and much faster. This, in consequence, leads to faster insights, quicker feature development, and more agile business.

Risks Related to Data Migration to Cloud

The cloud migration journey carries some risks businesses cannot forget about.

Security data

Data safety and compliance risks can emanate from data breaches during the cloud migration or weak access control over sensitive company data. Therefore, businesses should carefully evaluate the security controls implemented by their cloud providers and ensure compliance with relevant industry standards and regulations. It is always a good option to encrypt the data, too.

Data loss

When you migrate to the cloud, massive amounts of data are gathered, transferred, and stored. This may carry the risk of losing some data – it can be accidentally deleted by the third-party company or migrated without backing it up. In consequence, you may lose valuable information or programs. Therefore, to ensure a smooth and secure process, you should only collaborate with a trusted cloud service provider.

How to Carry out the Cloud Migration Process without Risks?

As with everything, also with the cloud migration and cloud migration strategies, some things could go wrong. To carry the process without risks, make sure you follow some of the best practices we have gathered:

  1. Plan. This is the only way to smoothly go through the cloud migration.
  3. Make sure you choose the right host site. Of course, the more stable the location and the higher the energy, the greater the cost. Choose the data centers that is closest to your customers and that is in a politically and environmentally stable area.
  5. Last but not least – always choose the right cloud provider. Check their data redundancy plan and verify how your data will be separated from the sensitive data of other clients. While choosing your cloud partner, ask about the security protocols and the history of data breaches they experienced.

Creating a Cloud Migration Strategy for the Company

The entire cloud migration process varies depending on the type of business and the size of the company. However, there are some basic steps each cloud migration process should include.

Assessment and cloud migration planning

Before you start the cloud migration, you need to understand your current environment, and determine your cloud server requirements and security requirements. Also, planning for the size of the project is crucial e.g., for putting a realistic budget in place. You should conduct an advanced analysis of your source and target systems and then, prepare a flexible timeline for the migration project. Make sure all stakeholders are informed of your anticipated schedule and budget.

Data extraction

Data extraction can be done using a variety of methods from querying a database to directly reading a file. It’s a process of procuring data from a given source and moving it to a new context. The data you get will be replicated to a data warehouse or data lake for further reporting, analytics, or Machine Learning purposes.

Data preparation

Once the data is extracted, it probably needs to go through a format transformation process. This is usually done using multiple rules and algorithms. The goal of data preparation is to make it suitable for further processing and analysis. In most cases, data preparation includes collecting, cleaning, and labeling raw data into a format that is suitable for Machine Learning algorithms.

Data migration process

During this phase, the transformed data is loaded into a target system. Every workload element migrated should be proven to work in the new environment before migrating another element.

Testing and validation of cloud migrations

Testing is an incredibly important part of cloud migration. Once the data is migrated into a new target system, you should make sure it suits the new location and that it is stored securely.

Implementation and monitoring in cloud environments

Once the data is securely moved to the cloud environment, you should keep optimizing and monitoring it continuously. You should always look for ways to improve the performance and efficiency in the cloud. This may involve looking for opportunities to save costs or refining cloud operations. Don’t forget that the optimization process is ongoing, it never ends.

Move to the Cloud with STX Next – Check out our Cloud Solutions!

At STX Next, an experienced cloud provider, we have ensured a seamless transition to the cloud for dozens of clients, both startups and large-scale organizations. We help companies elevate their businesses to the cloud, providing the services of major cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and GCP. Our cloud services have been designed to enhance your operational efficiency and reduce your IT expenditures without any negative business impact.

Do you want to:

  • Migrate your systems to the cloud,
  • Preserve your data in long-term data storage,
  • Make the most of cloud computing power,
  • Or upgrade your business with native cloud application development?

If so, we’re ready to help you accelerate your business with cloud solutions!

Let’s talk!